Moving toward a fossil-free future for fuels through sustainable solutions

The approach of Photosint is based on electrocatalysis solar-driven, a very friendly technology that gives the industry fossil-free and sustainable solutions to greenhouse gas emissions and supports a climate neutral Europe by 2050.

Photosint is a European research initiative that aims to solve the problem of a secure, efficient and cost-competitiveness renewable energy integration in the chemical industry, to produce green energy from local resources that will cause a low environmental impact supporting the transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources.
It started in September 2023 and, this four-year project is funded through the Horizon Europe program.

Photosint’s main objective is to integrate renewable energy sources and specifically maximise solar energy efficiency as the primary energy source, to convert wastewater and C02 into biobased fuels to meet the chemical industry energy demands and make it more auto-sufficient. For that purpose, green hydrogen and bio-methanol will be produced. The project will develop novel photoelectrochemical production methods for liquid/gas energy carriers and then, in the scale-up phase pilot feasibility will be test towards industrial implementation.

Photosint is a project bringing together 14 partners from 8 countries around the world (Spain, Slovenia, France, Italy, Greece, Estonia, Sweden and Romania). 5 academic partners, 4 industrial organisations and 5 research entities are working together to cover all the steps for Photosint’s methodology development.

A project overview

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About Photosint

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Are you interested in collaborating?

Photosint welcomes any enquiries related to innovative solutions for renewable energies integration to the heavy industry and green energy production from the general public, media, industry workers, academia and policymakers.
If you’re interested in learning more about the project and believe that our knowledge can offer value to your work and research, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Meet the Partners

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