IDENER Research & Development is the IDENER division focused on the R&D activities of the group. Specifically, IDENER R&D investigates the multidisciplinary field of Computational Science and its application to optimizing systems and processes in key areas such as Industrial Technologies, ICTs, Biotechnology, Energy, and Resource and Raw Materials Efficiency. The company was founded in 2010 by a group of PhD holding engineers. From that time forward, IDENER has been positioned as a valued partner of top European Research centers, universities, and technology firms. Besides the coordination role, IDENER is leading the modelling and optimization activities as well as the process validation and replication to other sectors.
Institutions involved in the Photosint project
Meet the companies involved in the Photosint project to enhance the production of biofuel integrating renewable energies from local resources.
The National Institute of Chemistry has 384 employees (31. 12. 2022), of which around 336 carry out research work in 9 departments and two infrastructure centers; 168 of these have doctorates of science degrees.
Department of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering
Department of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering is primarily invested in chemical (process) engineering, reactor and unit operation design and construction, as well as multi-scale process modelling. The Department topics foremost include carbon dioxide and natural gas conversion, hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, biomass valorisation to bio-based compounds, and (bio)pharmaceutical processes.
ICIQ (Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia) is a leading research center driving innovation and addressing current societal and economic challenges such as climate change and sustainable energy supply. With 300+ researchers across 18 groups, ICIQ focuses on sustainable catalysis, renewable energies and health. Their multidisciplinary approach blends computational and experimental research, resulting in significant excellence and innovation. Situated in Tarragona, near Europe’s main chemical cluster, ICIQ also fosters knowledge transfer to industry and supports patent applications and spin-off ventures.
RINA-CSM is a relevant research centre having a recognized role within the international R&D centers for materials and related production technologies. CSM is a reference point for collaborative research with universities, research agencies and industry. CSM’s activities cover the entire cycle of innovation from basic to applied research (physical, chemical and mechanical properties, new alloys and innovative coatings) to design, engineering, processing (on pilot, demonstration and industrial scales), prototype production, process/system automation and control. Founded in 1963 as research center of Italian ironmaking and steelmaking industry, it is part of Rina Group since 2014. CSM with a staff of over 220 talented researchers and technicians, 20 laboratories, pilot lines and full-scale testing facilities. The traditional presence of CSM as the Italian reference pole in European research (RFCS and Framework Programmes) results in hundreds of international collaboration agreements and contracts. Currently CSM has more than 70 Grant Agreements active with the European Commission and also a high-level participant in European Technological Platforms, as ESTEP (steel) and EuMat (advanced materials) and is also co-founder of RIES initiative (Research Initiative European Steel) for coordination among the main iron and steel research centres in Europe.
BNIG – Bioenergy Nigritas(Greece)
BNIG is a company with a core business in the provision of a real stream of biogas. It has experience in process design, manufacturing, maintenance, and operation of biogas plants, including biogas upgrading technologies. BNIG will add value to Photosint project with continuous feedback of real data acquired by the pilot scale catalytic. LCA, techno-economic evaluation and risk and safety assessment.
STE – Steklarna Hrastnik(Slovenia)
Steklarna Hrastnik (STE) is an innovative manufacturer of premium container glass (spirits, premium water & wine) with more than 160 years of tradition. Within PHOTOSINT, STE will operate the pilot for green H2 production, which will be valorised as an alternative fuel for a glass melting furnace.
Kneia SL(Spain)
KNEIA is a spanish SME that works with public companies, research institutions, government agencies and investors to provide services on scientific communication and valorization, including assessment on RRI and open science principles. KNEIA acts as communication, dissemination and exploitation manager and is leading the corresponding WP7.
EMU – Eesti Maaülikool(Estonia)
Estonian University of Life Science (EMU) is one of top 100 universities in the world in the field of agriculture and forestry. Its research centre specialised in the areas of biodiversity, nature protection, renewable natural resources and environmentally friendly technologies. EMU will lead the task of testing products at industrial applications (Methanol and hydrogen) for the Photosint project.
HYSY is an engineering company founded in 2003, specialized in the design, development and industrial implementation of new turn-key process technologies and equipment, offering prototypes, laboratory and pilot plants, in collaboration with universities, research institutions and companies. They mainly operate in the field of generation, treatment and recovery of industrial gases, cryogenics, organic liquids and energy through the implementation of our technologies for hydrogen, biomethane and bio-LNG. HYSY fills the gap between research implementation to industrial demonstration in Photosint project.
The University of Paris - Université Paris Cité covers a wide range of disciplines, with one of the most comprehensive and ambitious educational offerings available in the world. UPA is an "Initiative d'excellence" multidisciplinary research university, where it publishes no less than 10% of all research papers in France. UPA cultivates a strong tradition of excellence in scientific research.
CNRS – Centre National de Recherche Scientifique(France)
The French National Center for Scientific Research is one of the most recognised and renowned public research institutions in the world. For more than 80 years, it has continued to attract talent at the highest level and to nurture multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary research projects at the national, European and international levels. Geared towards the public interest, it contributes to the scientific, economic, social and cultural progress of France. The CNRS is above all 33,000 women and men, more than 1,000 laboratories in partnership with universities and other higher education institutions bringing together more than 120,000 employees and 200 professions that advance knowledge by exploring the living world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies. The CNRS ensures that this mission is carried out in compliance with ethical rules and with a commitment to professional equality.
The close relationship it establishes between its research missions and the transfer of acquired knowledge to the public makes it today a key player in innovation in France and around the world. Partnerships with companies are at the heart of its technology transfer policy, and the start-ups that have emerged from CNRS laboratories bear witness to the economic potential of its research. The CNRS provides also access to research findings and data, and this sharing of knowledge targets many audiences: scientific communities, the media, decision-makers, economic players and the general public.
CSIC – Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas(Spain)
CSIC is The Spanish National Research Council and it is one of the main agents responsible for implementing the Spanish System for Science, Technology and Innovation. Through its Institute of Materials Science of Seville, it will be the expert in fabrication and characterization of third-generation solar cells for the Photosint project, thanks to its high extensive experience in the fabrication and characterization of perovskite-based solar cells.
RDM (officially redoxme AB) is a premier laboratory equipment manufacturer offering reliable tools and comprehensive services in electrochemistry. Their expertise extends to various characterisation techniques, including spectroscopy, gravimetry, and electrical, mechanical, and thermal characterisation. With seven years in operation, RDM has introduced over 250 innovative products and 300+ tailor-made systems to the market. These products are continuously refined through internal studies and scientific feedback, ensuring RDM remains at the forefront of materials science. RDM will provide the designed cell for a prototype in the Photosint project.
Azomures is the main producer of fertilizers for agriculture in Romania, with a portfolio of products that cover the needs of farmers, while ensuring fertilization solutions for agriculture in other countries. AZO is specifically an ammonia producer with over 60 years tradition, owning two mid capacities ammonia plants with experience in plant revamps and integration of BAT in the current technology which will be crucial in Photosint to gather data and tests from industry facilities.
Torrecid is a globalized multinational familiar company founded in 1963 supplying products and services to ceramic, glass and other sectors. Torrecid has manufacturing sites in 29 countries and customers in over 130 countries. Torrecid has large experience in R&D and implementations of novel technologies and expertise in EU collaborative project. Within PHOTOSINT Torrecid will be involved in many tasks such as data collections from industry, simulation and integration of PV plant and demonstration activities.